Post Tagged with: "Nightscape"

Southern Lights Aurora Australis Waipapa Lighthouse 1 Night Sky Photography New Zealand Milky Way Star Shooting Paul Reiffer Professional Landscape Photographer

New Zealand Nights : Aurora Australis & our Galaxy Above

Seeing the northern lights (aurora borealis) in the sky above us is becoming an increasingly popular to-do list item, but despite being fortunate enough to have seen them a few times now, the lure of seeing the southern lights (aurora australis) during our time in New Zealand was just too tempting to ignore. We’d been lucky so far, really, when it came to night sky photographs. While not my favourite subject, hunting for the right location, angle, […]

Kuala Lumpur Garden City Malaysia Truly Asia Tower KL Pentronas KLCC Skyscrapers Aerial Rooftop Roof View Night Cityscape Paul Reiffer Photographer Commercial Above

Thinking outside of the Box : Kuala Lumpur from Above

(Don’t) Look down! At around 1,000ft above the ground, Menara Kuala Lumpur (or the “KL Tower” as it’s also known) isn’t a record-breaker by any means, but hey – it’s still the highest place you can get to across the city. My usual plan when shooting nightscapes tends to specifically exclude photography from the iconic towers for one simple reason : that icon can’t be in the shot if you’re stood on it to take the photo! This […]

cityscapes out of this world 2016 parallax movie promo video paul reiffer shanghai london new york san francisco sydney tokyo dubai kuala lumpur los angeles beijing hong kong

cityscapes : out of this | world – the video

Have you ever seen a still photograph of a cityscape move? Here’s your opportunity! Together with the guys at ToInspire, we’re pulling together each of my collections into a promo-reel, starting with cityscapes, “out of this | world”. Creating moving images from still shots isn’t the easiest thing in the world, and a lot of painstaking pixel-level work goes in to every single photograph to get the effect just right while still keeping as much of the […]

Into The Canyon Paul Reiffer Guide How To Shoot Upper Antelope Navajo Arizona Page Slot Canyons Blog How To Tour Photography

Inside Antelope Canyon – Paul’s Complete Photography Guide

It’s a location that features on the bucket list of many photographers, and it’s a magnetic one at that. Having already visited both Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon 6 or 7 times since my first visit in 2011, I still have the urge to return every now and then to capture the other-worldly scenes of light-trails, stunning rock formations and shadows throughout these two natural wonders just outside of Page, Arizona. Sadly, there is a lot […]

dubai burj khalifa road intersection freeway UAE night cityscape skyline skyscrapers downtown city of gold image copyright paul reiffer no reproduction permitted

Burj Khalifa – The Jewel in the Crown of Dubai, City of Gold

It doesn’t matter how many rooftops I’ve photographed from, whenever I’m in a new city I always get that “wow” moment when I look across the skyline for the first time – and this was no exception. From the top of a building (which was, in fairness, extremely tall in its own right!), I set up on the ledge and started clicking. Sadly, jpeg compression doesn’t do this image enough justice on-screen, but the tones of the sky and detail in […]

Polapan filter film Shanghai Elevated Freeways night cityscape light trails tomorrow square nine dragons intersection puxi from above paul reiffer professional landscape photographer china

Screaming from the rooftops – Shanghai at night

Shanghai really is a city that needs to be seen from above to be appreciated. The problem is that getting up there in the more traditional way (in a helicopter) simply isn’t possible – so there is a growing movement of photographers who (ahem) “access” rooftops with key vantage points across the city. It’s not a risk-free process by any means, but when you get up there and can look down at the pace of things […]

Kuala Lumpur KLCC Petronas Towers Skyline Cityscape Night Light Trails City Roads Paul Reiffer Landscape Photography

Kuala Lumpur – Hospitality at the speed of light

I was asked last week, as part of a written interview, if I’d ever had to get out of my “comfort zone” in order to get the shot I wanted – the answer, of course, was “yes”, and many times over. The next question was, funnily enough, about how I approach a brand new city in terms of locations and what to shoot. So, what better than a live demonstration as answers to both questions […]

Circular Motion - Shanghai Pudong Financial District Skyscrapers Lujiazui Night - Paul Reiffer Landscape Photographs

Capturing Circular Motion – Shanghai’s Financial District

“Circular Motion” – print available to buy now Who remembers being told as a kid to make sure to look both ways before crossing a road, and that cars are dangerous? Yeah… I do. Sadly, when I drove through Lujiazui on the way home the other night last week, I saw a sight that made me cast that very wise advice aside and resolve to get the shot I pictured in my mind, no matter […]

electric city paul reiffer shanghai landscape cityscape professional photographs night

Shanghai – Electri-City : Phase One Long Exposures

Shanghai’s Pudong skyline – once the home to two of the tallest skyscrapers in the world is soon to be the home of 3. The neon lights of the boats running up and down the river all night circle the peninsular in electric blue while the city behind entertains passers by with its iconic light show. To give Shanghai its true credit, this is a view that really doesn’t need an expensive camera to be […]