Here it is – the third and final of the current series of Steve Box adverts for Lick Underwear – appearing in Attitude magazine next month.

Previous ads had been studio shots with calculated lighting.  This one, however, used nothing more than a skylight from above and some pretty “down to earth” surroundings provided by a very helpful local bar…  It’s certainly a lot grittier than the images used in the two before – let’s see how it goes down with the readers of Attitude 😉

Lick Underwear Attitude Advert February Steve Stephen Box 2011

Oh, and as a special treat – Lick are now offering 40% off their entire range for every customer using the code “ATTITUDE” at checkout.  For the rest of the world, that will be made public next month; for you guys (and girls), you can use it right now 🙂

Want to check their range?  Simply click here to browse the online store!