Head down to the UK newsagents this week – and you’ll find the latest edition of Digital Camera magazine, with a special feature on why I shoot in Medium Format, Frame Averaging (and what it means for consumer level cameras in future), using the Phase One XT in the field, editing with Capture One and a lot more besides…

I have to admit, shooting an editorial with Niall and Rod from the magazine during the first week of January, following months of grey rainy skies, on the south coast of England wasn’t the most exotic of plans – but, as they say on TV, we “made it our own”.

Discussing how the new Phase One XT Medium Format camera performs as a little landscape legend, we covered the workflow, features, superb image quality and ease of use – in some pretty challenging wind and rain!
Once the weather had calmed down later in the evening, however, I was able to show the true power of the IQ4 digital backs, as we shot sunset exposures over 3, 4, 5 minutes with no need for either graduated or solid neutral density filters at all – pretty impressive!

Also covered in the 6-page One to One Masterclass feature is how we get the best from our camera’s technical abilities, what the advancements in Medium Format mean for the rest of the market (and the impact such radical developments will have on the industry), along with talking through some of the perceived challenges that people see in switching up to a full frame MF setup.
So, while you’ll find a lot of magazine content online – isn’t it nice every now and then to be able to just thumb through a real magazine, explore the images inside, bookmark the pages and keep it as a reference?
I think so – so on that basis, it’s worth the price of a coffee…!

You’ll find it on the shelves in most places this month (it’s the March edition) – and don’t worry, there’s a lot more than the 6-pages-of-Reiffer inside too…

(…and for those wondering, no, don’t worry – the feature on “How to Shoot Winter Wildlife” does not refer to me as a subject.)